Monday, May 26, 2008

"My mouth is too full to talk"

I mentioned last week that my daughter Alex is doing study abroad in Florence. (Italy, not South Carolina).

And the wonders of email: her latest missive.

"Dear mom and dad,

I am finally getting to access the internet at our student point (aka
union). I am still figuring out these keyboards though, so stay with
me. I hope all is well at home and tell everyone I send my love. I went
to the Buboli gardens yesterday and experienced some really amazing
views of Florence.

I had my first class this morning and it was really good. Pretty much
everyone has never painted before and the teacher is really excited.
Also, we had to purchase about 150 euros of art supplies. I put it on
the credit card, but just so you know, it was a ton of stuff. I will
bring it all home and I am sure it will continue to contribute to my
artistic success. I also signed up for an optional cooking class. It
was 240 euros that I put on the card, but I also am only going on 3
excursions, because I found out I actually only had 3 weekends instead
of 4 (the first weekend here does not really count). The final word on
money is that Florence is not as credit card friendly as I had hoped,
especially for food. I tried to use credit to buy my lunch today and
the woman looked at me like I was trying to barter with rusty treasure.
I am going to the grocery store later today and will probably start
packing my lunch. It is a lot easier. You do not need to worry about my
cash though, the cash you put in my account for the extra excursion
should cover the food. I will let you know when I want you to transfer
more money from my savings to checking.

But speaking of food, it is truly amazing. What are the rules for
flying and bringing back food? The prosciutto is heavenly, the cheese
is amazing, the gelatto is, dare I say it, better than corona, and the
wine is the best I have ever had.

I have intro to italian at 1 and I am excited to finally learn to not
be an American moron in this city. I must be off to that, but I will be
back in touch later. Feel free to call me at any time.


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