Thursday, September 20, 2007

Michael O'Brien: Father Elijah: An Apocalypse

Another review, this time of Michael O'Brien's Father Elijah: An Apocalypse.

Unlike many folks, I'm not a big fiction fan.

When I want to relax, give me something arcane and philosophical. My writings, articles, and reviews are likewise usually practical or theoretical, but almost never fictional.

But occasionally, a story is recommended to me, and I succumb, and here's one where I fell in, head over heels, and it was worth the fall.

'Father Elijah' covers the vast sweep of the 20th century. It deals with philosphy, theology, history, ethics, the church, and does so by telling a wonderful story of a man who barely survived the progroms of World War II, fled to Israel, rose to prominence there, and gave up his prominence to enter monastic life, and by a series of events he did not plan, came once again into a quiet and awe-full prominence at the end of time.

The beauty of this book is palpable. I was moved by the story of a life lived under the cross.

Others said it better than me: leave behind the left behind. Those books pale in comparison to this deceptively simple and moving story."

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